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Liquid soap with disinfecting action
DERMOSAN is a soap with sanitizing action, suitable for washing the hands o workers in the alimentary sector and all industrial concerns requiring a particular standard of environmental hygiene. Its ingredients allow quick and effective removal of organic dirt, especially animal and vegetable fats, as well as various proteic exudates, and the elimination of bacteria that develop on the skin of operators’ hands. It spreads an easily-rinsed foam, and is colourless and odourless.
The presence of particular surface-active agents and of glycerine make DERMOSAN suitable for frequent use throughout the working day, as required in the HACCP plan. It thus considerably reduces irritation and dryness in the hands.
DERMOSAN is ideal for workers in processing industries dealing with meat, eggs and derivatives, cream and various sauces and in cheese factories.
It is an excellent product for animal breeders, in milking installations, and for veterinarians.

A S K    F O R   M O R E   I N F O R M A T I O N

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