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Liquid biological activator for wastes

MBL ODOUR FARM is a biological formulation combining specifically selected strains of bacteria and fast acting enzymes applied in a variety of industries that utilize anaerobic treatments for liquid and solid wastes. The selected strains of bacteria and fast acting enzymes in MBL ODOUR FARM were specifically chosen for their ability to increase anaerobic treatment efficiency, which in turn optimizes the production of biogas. Moreover it helps to digest and fluidify of sewage coming from farms and industrial plants.
The use of MBL ODOUR FARM contributes to reducing the environmental impact of th sewage. Particularly:
• Drastic reduction of odours
• Reduces all the sulfur reduced compounds and the plants corrosion
• Can be used both in aerobic and anaerobic environments
• Reduces the ammonia fumes
• Increases the comfort of the animals in the farm and consequently the yield
• Drastic reduction of flies and insects
• Improves the COD biodegradation
• Maintains the purity of biogas if collected

A S K   F O R   M O R E   I N F O R M A T I O N


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