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Powerful fumigant for environmental treatment - solid tablets

NEO KP is an environmental fumigant in the form of a tablet containing orthophenylphenol. The action against pathogenic microorganisms is performed through the heat generated by a slow and
controlled flameless combustion. During this fumigation process the heat produced allows the development of the orthophenylphenol in a dry gaseous form. The process ensures a constant and uniform release of gas for a period of approximately 3 hours. The developed gas is able to spread uniformly throughout the closed environment subjected to the fumigation process. The result is an aerial treatment, deep and capillary because the colour of the smoke also has the function of a marker allowing to verify that the entire volume of the environment is treated. The energetic action combined with the broad spectrum of action, the speed and simplicity of application and the absence of incompatibility with most materials make the NEO KP an economical, versatile and high-quality treatment.

A S K   F O R   M O R E   I N F O R M A T I O N

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